63 Killer Personal Growth Goals to Develop this Year

Are you looking for personal growth goals to develop this year?

It doesn’t matter if it’s the beginning of the year or the end the year. We can start working on ourselves whenever we need it, and creating a list for resolutions will work anyway.

I know that promising yourself new goals at the beginning of the year has some magical effects on our mind, but let me be honest about this.

I don’t believe that it will make any difference if you start this journey at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. If you are committed to being the best version of yourself, you’ll find the way to make it true.

So, don’t worry about it, and just hit that play bottom to start living the life you deserve—the life you want.

63 Personal Growth Goals

Now, before we start with the list of 63 personal development ideas, I would like to mention that you must not try to apply all of them at the same time. Our body and our brain is not ready for the pressure of making a super big change all at once.

I would suggest that you start by selecting one or two goals per month and stick to it until you accomplish it. These are just ideas that you can take and modify if you need to.

Now, let’s get into it!

Personal growth goals

Physical Health – Personal Growth Goals

1. Start a fitness routine that you enjoy

2. Drink more water to help your body

3. Find people who inspire you to keep working out

4. Stretch every morning for a fresh start

5. Try out a new sport that make you happy

6. Create a workout plan to exercise at least three times per week (if you need some inspiration to stay motivated to workout, you can check my techniques and tips)

7. Take a new fitness class or watch a workout on YouTube

8. Establish a number of steps to walk every day

9. Try eating as much vegetables as possible

10. Prefer walking or biking instead of driving a car

11. Join a 30-day fitness challenge

Mental Health – Self-development Goals

12. Start a minfulness practice

13. Start a journal and try to use it at least once a week

14. Learn how to talk to yourself to avoid negative thoughts about you

15. Try a 30-day meditation challenge

16. Identify bad habits that don’t contribute to your personal growth

17. Set long-term goals

18. Create a personal growth plan

19. Practice active listening

20. Become a volunteer

21. Write a letter to someone you admire

22. Try to learn about social behaviors to know how to deal with difficult people

23. Find new personal growth books or podcasts

24. Start a 30-Day Self-Improvement Challenge

Self-Esteem – Self-improvement Goals

25. Unfollow people that makes you feel bad about yourself to create a safe and encouraging space where you can enjoy and feel inspired

26. List things that you love about yourself once a week

27. Start your day with positive affirmations

28. Work on insecurities that damage your self-esteem

Self-care – Personal Growth Goals

29. Go to bed earlier so you can sleep more and have a better sleep quality

30. Bake something you enjoy eating for yourself

31. Find new methods to deal with stress

32. Take some time during the week to clean and declutter things that you don’t use anymore

33. Practice gratitude daily for self-awareness

34. Observe how you react to people and how they react to you

35. Try to be more mindful when performing your daily activities

36. Don’t keep what you feel since it doesn’t help you to heal

37. Learn how to say no to things that you cannot do or don’t want to

38. Go out of your comfort zone at least once a week

39. Set healthy boundaries

40. Practice forgiveness to yourself and to people who hurt you in the past

41. Tell yourself more compliments

42. Spend some time observing of your surroundings

43. Strengthen your intuition

44. Read about yoga and practice it weekly

45. Establish a daily self-care routine

46. Eliminate bad habits that have negative impact on your life

47. Do something you love every day

Hobbies – Self-development Goals

48. Learn a new skill to help your mind to disconnect

49. Find a new creative hobby that it’s out of your comfort zone

50. Find a mentor, a coach or someone who inspire you to do new things

51. Take an online course or lessons in something you want to learn

52. Develop a reading habit by reading books and articles that you enjoy (here you can find some personal growth book ideas that you can consider if you’re interested in this topic)

53. Watch TEDTalks that inspire you

54. Travel to new and beautiful places

Productivity Self-improvement Goals

55. Learn how to avoid procrastination

56. Plan your day, week, and month

57. Learn how to prioritize your tasks

58. Stick yo a daily to-do list

59. Work on a tidy place

60. Keep your workplace organize

61. Eliminate distractions, people and social medias that drains your energy

62. Practice brainstorming ideas for your projects

63. Create your own vision board

These 63 personal growth goals are a good place to start. So, don’t be afraid of making changes in your life because it’s the only way of creating the life you deserve. Remember that you must go one step at a time and you don’t need to feel overwhelmed about it.

Hope you enjoyed these goals, and don’t forget to share this article if it was useful for your self-improvement journey.

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