How to Work From Home and Still Accomplish Your Goals

Learn how to work from home to accomplish all your goals and be an independent person. Great tips for this 2023 ✨

Working from home is one of the best things that could happen to me.

In this post, learn the 10 best tips to work from home, apply them to accomplish goals, and start taking care of your own help.

Before starting this article, I would like to mention that everything I write here comes from my own experience. Always try to adapt these to your own life and your own way of living.


I’ve been working from home since 2019, so I think I have found some ways to improve the quality of my work. If you find these tips helpful, kindly write a comment down below telling me your experience working from home.

Clean your desk the night before

Clean the desk to work from home

If you have a specific place to work, it’s convenient to keep it clean and uncluttered. This simple habit will help you to keep your mind focus on the activities that you have to do during the day.

When I have my desk untidy, I feel that my attention get lost easily. I see all the objects around me, and I can’t stop thinking that I should clean my desk right away.

Set daily and weekly goals

When we have all our goals set, we don’t loose time doing activities that we don’t have to do firstly.

For example, if my goal is to record my new video for my YouTube channel, and I don’t have to be here writing the article before recording the video. The overall steps are: filming the video, editing the video, and then writing the article for that video.

I cannot start the process of creating content by writing the article.

Create a to-do list that leads you to your goal

To do list - working from home

Taking the same example that I wrote in the previous tip, we have to create a to-do list that’s perfectly done to accomplish your main goal.

The following steps are an example of what I do to create content:

  • Setting the main idea of the video
  • Write all the shots that I need to film to complete a video
  • Set the space where I’ll film
  • Film everything 🫣
  • Storage the videos on my computer

All these steps need to be done before I can actually publish an entire article. In my to-do list, I have to add all these steps. However, one day, I might have only film everything because it’s one of the longest steps I need to do.

And having only one activity in your to-do list is OK. We don’t have to have many tasks to be productive.

One thing at a time

From the previous point, just focus on one thing at a time. We don’t have to be multitasking to reach our goals. We need to work on the things that really matter before anything else.

I want to write an article about how to not be multitasking because it’s so important for people who work from home. Being multitasking is not a benefit when working from home because our brain work less efficiently. To fight the urge to multitask, focus your attention to one thing at a time.

Let me know in the comments below if you would like to read an article about multitasking.

Avoid distractions

No cellphones; no TV on; no distractions.

If we want to accomplish goals efficiently and effectively, then we can’t be surrounded by distractions. Whenever I work, I leave my phone away (ex. in the next room), and then everything about work seems to improve. I can finish more tasks with high-quality results and finish my work day earlier.

What is your biggest distraction?

Set deadlines for yourself

We work from home. Yes, I know. Now, who is the only person that can see what you’re actually doing during your day. Yourself. So, you are your boss when working from home.

It was so hard for me to understand this because I was there, in front of my computer, working on some tasks, but nobody was watching me. Then, I realized that the only person that can measure my productivity was myself.

You have to create spaces for accomplishing your goals. You have to set deadlines for each activity that needs to be done, and actually meet the deadline. Be honest with you, and set a schedule that you can accomplish each week an

Focus on important tasks first

Our brain is great. But, it’s greater when it’s not tired.

Therefore, go to your to-do list. What is the most important task – the one that needs to be done ASAP because of its deadline, for example?

That activity must be the first one that you do in the mornings (or when you are more productive).

For me, for example, I’ve discovered that the most important thing that I have to do every single day is myself. Working on myself is key for being productive and stay calmer during the day.

The fourth first activities I do every day:

  1. Brushing my teeth
  2. Journaling for 10 minutes
  3. Practicing yoga for 5-10 miutes
  4. Working out for 30 minutes

Always be optimistic

It’s hard, I know. Being optimistic might not be possible all the time, but at least, we need to keep in mind that what we think is what we get. Therefore, If we want to be at certain place of your professional career, you need to be positive about your journey.

Think about that journey as something that you can do because you have the ability; you have the desire; you have all you need to accomplish it.

Avoid procrastination

This is one of the biggest points and we should talk at length about this, but as we are collecting the best ways to work from home, I’ll try to be clear.

Procrastination is your enemy. Be consistent to create that life you want. If you want to become the best youtuber, then do your job. Create content, be present for your community, and don’t stop working. Even if you don’t see results inmediately, you need to keep going.

In order to keep going, you have to get your work done. So, procratination must not be your friend this time.

There’s something called positive procrastination which is about a committment to work on things in the future. The main objective of this is to give us more time to be prepared for emergencies. Positive procrastination might work for you only if you know how to not be a procrastinator first. If you promise yourself to work on something in the near future, you must to do it.


Working from home is great. But it might be super difficult if you don’t have the desire to adapt your routine to someone how needs to get work done in his/her cozy home.

I wanted to be here in my home and spend time with my loved ones. However, I was forced to change my habits and mindset to accomplish all the required activities.

If you’re thinking about looking for an online job, then I recommend that you try some of these tips.

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